High Performance Trader Blog


Steve Ward - Getting to the Heart of Improving Trader Performance

This is an excerpt of an article Steve Ward from www.performanceedgeconsulting.co.uk wrote in December 2007 for www.traders-mag.com.

Our state – physical, mental and emotional –...

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Why Your Money Story Could Hold The Key To Your Trading Success

Watch the Webinar Replay for a limited time only!

Titled: Why Your Money Story Could Hold the Key to Your Trading Success


I'm presenting this webinar because many traders find...

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No More Groundhog Years!

Knowing what you want is the doorway to getting what you want.

Knowing what’s holding you back from having it is the turbo charger to creating a life that you love.

When you...

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Your Trading Success is Possible...But Here's the Thing

Many traders tell me how much they love trading and yet they are in so much pain about it.

They believe if they can get over of their painful emotions, then they can become disciplined and patient,...

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Some Thoughts About How To Succeed In Trading

Some thoughts I’m having about how to succeed in trading that I trust help and serve your trading journey…

1. Consistency matters more than talent… I kept showing up no matter...

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5 Simple Trading Truths...I Wish I Knew When I Started My Career

If I had understood these 5 simple truths, my trading career would have accelerated my journey by 100x

That’s why I want to share this with you. It’s the beginning of 2023, and whilst...

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Why Traders Sabotage Their Trading Goals...


“Why diets don’t work, New Year’s Resolutions don’t last and traders sabotage their trading goals.”

Learn about the simple mindset hack that will help you...

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How to Stop Revenge Trading

One topic that is the common cause of frustration and failure among traders is the “Revenge Trade”, the action of “going on tilt” as we call it in professional circles. I...

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Day Trading Tip 1 – Focus On Your Being Not On Your Doing

Many measure their trading success by the state of their trading bank. Their confidence and self-worth is correlated to the $$$ profits they make.

The thing is, this is how we have been conditioned...

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Emotional Pendulum = The Compass To Your Trading Success

We are only as strong as the weakest link in our performance. That’s whilst we should focus on our strengths we also need to learn how to manage our weaknesses.

One of my traders from the...

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Do Traders Have Free Will?

Every day people are fighting with many competing desires, that are ruled by mutually incompatible goals and aspirations: you want to lose weight, but crave a pizza, you want to exercise after...

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